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Looking for free online PDF resources to develop your knowledge of VAG vehicle maintenance? Look no further than our comprehensive collection of Self Study Programs! Our website offers a vast collection of Self Study Programs for VAG vehicles, available for free download in PDF format. These programs are specifically designed to help dealership employees develop their understanding of key concepts such as project development, component maintenance, and system functions. Whether you’re a technician looking to enhance your skills or a dealership manager seeking to improve employee expertise, our user-friendly website makes it easy to find the exact program you need. So why wait? Browse our extensive collection of VAG vehicle Self Study Programs today and start downloading your free PDF files!

Self Study Program 211 – The New Beetle

VAG SSP 211. This Self-Study Programme describes the function as well as the design of the New Beetle. The New Beetle has caused a sensation and aroused instant enthusiasm throughout the world. The Concept 1 study in the mantle of the New…

Self Study Program 213 – New Technology 99

VAG SSP 213 - New Technology 1999 Design and Function PDF. Modern like never before ...: the aluminium body quattro technology an extensive range of high-tech engines an excellent convenience and safety package and a high…

Self Study Program 216 – Body LUPO 3L

VAG SSP 216. Realising a 3-litre car on the basis of the Lupo called, above all, for innovative ideas and a whole string of new production methods and technologies. The further development and redevelopment of the body were just two of the…

Self Study Program 218 – The Lupo 3L

VAG SSP 218. This Self-Study Programme gives you a general insight into the 3-litre car. Volkswagen developed the world's first 3-litre car on the basis of the Lupo. This car is now in series production. The development goal was to design a…