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Welcome to the Transmission Service Repair Manuals section! Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive guides and instructions for understanding and maintaining the transmission on your vehicle. From basic maintenance to more complex repairs, our manuals will be your go-to resource for all things related to your transmission. Don’t forget to check back often for the latest materials and updates. Thank you for choosing Transmission Service Repair Manuals!

Isuzu Transmission AW30-40LE Model Workshop Manual

The AW30-40LE is a 4-speed fully automatic transmission. It uses a microcomputer as a control unit to judge running conditions including throttle opening rate and vehicle speed, then it sets the shifting point in the optimum timing so that…

Isuzu Transmission JR405E Model Workshop Manual

This JR405E automatic transmission employs a clutch pressure direct control system (Direct Electronic Shift Control: DESC) using a duty cycle type solenoid, which ensures high shift quality. This transmission also controls learning and…

KM182 Service Repair Manual

If you're experiencing problems with your Mitsubishi KM182 transmission, you need a reliable resource to guide you through the repair process. The KM182 service repair manual is the expert guide for repairing and rebuilding your…