Volkswagen 6-speed Manual Gearbox 02Q Workshop Manual (Edition 06.2010 MEX5R006920)
The 6-speed manual gearbox 02Q is installed in the: Jetta 2005-, Golf Variant 2007-, Golf Variant 2010-, Jetta 2011-
in conjunction with a 4-cylinder engine.
Repair Group
- Technical data
- Gearbox identification
- Location on gearbox
- Identification code, assembly allocation and capacities
- Overview – power transmission
- Calculating overall gear ratio „i“
- General repair notes
- Contact corrosion!
- Special tools
- Components
- Clutch
- Fault finding, power transmission
- Repairing clutch mechanism
- Overview
- Assembly overview – pedal cluster
- Removing and installing over-centre spring
- Removing and installing clutch pedal
- Removing and installing mounting bracket
- Removing and installing master cylinder
- Removing and installing clutch position sender G476
- Assembly overview – hydraulics (LHD)
- Assembly overview – hydraulics (RHD)
- Bleeding clutch system
- Repairing clutch release mechanism
- Removing pipe/hose line and bleeder from and installing on slave cylinder
- Removing and installing slave cylinder with release bearing
- Removing and installing pipe/hose line or plastic line
- Renewing input shaft seal
- Repairing clutch – vehicles with turbo diesel engine
- Determining clutch manufacturer
- Removing and installing „Sachs“ clutch
- Repairing „Sachs“ clutch
- Removing and installing „LuK“ clutch
- Repairing „LuK“ clutch
- Repairing clutch – vehicles with petrol engine
- Repairing clutch
- Removing and installing clutch
- Controls, housing
- Repairing selector mechanism
- Installation position of selector mechanism
- Overview of selector mechanism
- Removing and installing gear knob and frame
- Removing and installing gaiter with gear knob and noise insulation
- Repairing gear lever and selector housing (through 10.06)
- Repairing gear lever and selector housing (from 11.06)
- Assembly overview – removing and installing selector cables
- Plastic relay lever
- Removing and installing selector mechanism
- Removing and installing gear selector cable and gate selector cable
- Adjusting selector mechanism
- Removing and installing gearbox in vehicles with turbo diesel engine
- Removing gearbox
- Transporting gearbox
- Installing gearbox
- Specified torques
- Removing and installing gearbox, vehicles with petrol engine
- Removing gearbox
- Transporting gearbox
- Installing gearbox
- Specified torques
- Checking gearbox oil
- Dismantling and assembling gearbox
- Overview – rear final drive
- Assembly overview
- Removing and installing gearbox housing and selector mechanism
- Removing and installing input shaft, output shafts, differential and selector rods
- Assembly order, gearbox »without« retaining ring A for input shaft sealing cover
- Assembly order, gearbox »with« retaining ring A for input shaft sealing cover
- Repairing gearbox housing
- Repairing clutch housing
- Repairing selector unit
- Renewing oil seal for selector shaft
- Repairing selector forks
- Gears, shafts
- Input shaft
- Dismantling and assembling input shaft
- Output shaft for 1st through 4th gears
- Assembly overview – output shaft for 1st through 4th gears
- Dismantling and assembling output shaft for 1st through 4th gears
- Adjusting output shaft for 1st through 4th gears
- Output shaft for 5th, 6th and reverse gears
- Dismantling and assembling output shaft for 5th, 6th and reverse gears
- Adjusting output shaft for 5th, 6th and reverse gears
- Final drive – differential
- Renewing flange shaft oil seals with gearbox installed
- Renewing oil seal for left flange shaft
- Renewing seal for right flange shaft
- Adjustment overview
- Differential
- Dismantling and assembling differential
- Adjusting differential
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 246
Volkswagen 6-speed Manual Gearbox 02Q Workshop Manual (Edition 06.2010 MEX5R006920) PDF free online