Fiat Uno Petrol 1983 – 1995 Haynes Service Repair Manual
Haynes manuals are written specifically for the do-it-yourselfer, yet are complete enough to be used by professional mechanics. Since 1960 Haynes has produced manuals written from hands-on experience based on a vehicle teardown with hundreds of photos and illustrations, making Haynes the world leader in automotive repair information.
Fiat Uno Petrol 1983-1995 Haynes Owners Service & Repair Manual covers: Hatchback, with manual transmission, Including Turbo ie and special/limited editions.
Engines Covered: 1.0 litre (903 and 999cc), 1.1 litre (1108 and 1116cc), 1.3 litre (1299 and 1301cc) and 1.4 litre (1372cc).
Does NOT cover Selecta (automatic) transmission, Fiorino type vans or Diesel models.
Introduction to the Fiat Uno
The Fiat Uno is a well designed and constructed car having an excellent power-to-weight ratio. The car is very economical, but still offers good performance with excellent body interior space. Attractive features include the options available for four- or five-speeds or three- or five-door bodywork.
All essential accessories, except a radio, are fitted as standard and a sunroof is optionally available. From the home mechanic’s point of view all repair and servicing operations are straightforward without the need for special tools. Spare parts are immediately available at moderate cost.
- Routine Maintenance
- Tune-Up Procedures
- Engine Repair
- Cooling And Heating
- Air-Conditioning
- Fuel And Exhaust
- Emissions Control
- Ignition, Brakes
- Suspension And Steering
- Electrical Systems
- Wiring Diagrams
Language: English
File: PDF
Pages: 303