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Scania Fault Codes

Looking for free and comprehensive information on Scania fault codes, service repair, and vehicle manuals? Our online database of automotive owners manuals has you covered! With just a few clicks, you can download and view your free PDF files, packed with all the information you need to diagnose and repair Scania fault codes. Our user-friendly platform offers a wealth of valuable resources for drivers and mechanics of all experience levels, including detailed service repair manuals and vehicle manuals. So why wait? Start exploring our collection of free Scania fault codes, service repair, and vehicle manuals today and take your automotive skills to the next level!

Scania DM1 Fault Codes

List of fault codes SPN SPN Name SPN Description 46 Pneumatic Supply Pressure The pneumatic pressure in the main reservoir, sometimes referred to as the wet tank. 51 Engine Throttle Valve 1 Position The position of…

Scania Fault Codes DM1 List

You can find Scania fault codes in the list below. Fault codes generated in the CAN network are sent via CAN message DM1. This document describes how to interpret these fault codes from the DM1 message. SPN: Suspect Parameter Number…

SMS SCANIA Truck Fault Codes DTC

19 Solenoid valve front axle. The voltage applied to the solenoid valve is too high. A malfunction code is generated when an extraneous "positive" voltage is applied to the solenoid valve or to a wired harness, for example, as…

TCO SCANIA Truck Fault Codes DTC

36874 CAN bus data transfer The tachograph has no connection to the yellow CAN bus. Short circuit or open circuit yellow CAN bus. Check the wiring and electrical connections of the yellow CAN bus and measure the voltage…