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Kenworth Fault Codes

Welcome to the KENWORTH Fault Codes section! Here you will find a comprehensive list of fault codes and troubleshooting guides for KENWORTH vehicles. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the necessary resources to help you quickly and accurately diagnose and fix any issues with your vehicle. We understand the importance of keeping your vehicle running smoothly, and our fault codes will assist you in achieving that. Be sure to check back for updates and new materials. Thank you for choosing KENWORTH Fault Codes!

Kenworth fault codes list

ORIGINAL CIRCUIT WIRING KEY (PHASED OUT STARTING 2004) Wiring Code Definitions Example: C17SR. C-Function. 17-Circuit Number. SR-Destination or Purpose. Example: C17SR. Function……………C = Components. Circuit Number……….17 = Starter…

KENWORTH Truck Fault Codes DTC

0700 General, Spare Circuits 0710 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, 0711 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery A 0712 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery B 0713 General, Spare…