VW LT 2.0 litre Petrol Engine Workshop Manual (Edition 1978)
VW LT 2.0 litre Petrol Engine Workshop Manual (Edition 1978) PDF. This manual is valid ‘or the LT from the start cf production i August 1975’. It describes I repair ooerations which requie special instructions to ensure satisfactory work. All features peculiar to certain countries and modifications introduced up to cate of issue are incorporated.
The manual is divided nto separate booklets according to subject.
A ist of the individual booklets is givein inside the front covet and ease booklet has the contents isted accoioing torepa i goupsand items to make it easy to find the information required.
VW Audi Special Tools and Workshop Equipment
Special tools and/or workshop equioment are required tor many of the operations described in the manual. This equipment is I sted in each booklet together with Repair Operations.
Workshop Bulletins
Workshop bulletins wiI be allocated to the individual booklets and shoud be filed at the hack of the booklet concerned. To remind you that bulletins have been published. please mark the manual pages given on the bul atin with the bulletin numbe.
Fault finding
General fault finding instructions are given in the workshop manual.
Further instructions on the elimination of current defects are given in the “Fault finding handbook’1.
Technical information should always be made available to all foremen and mechanics because compliance with the instructions given is essential to ensure vehicle road worthiness and safety. In addition, the normal safety precautions to be observed when working on motor vehicles are also applicable.
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 54
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