Self Study Program 840293 – VW Engine Management Systems
VAG SSP 840293. This Self Study Program (SSP) discusses changes and additions implemented since the April of 2000 publication of SSP 841003, Engine Management Systems. Components that are unchanged from previous engine management systems are listed with the new system, but are not described in detail. If a component is not described in this document, you will be referred to a previous SSP that contains the information.
Since the introductions of the D-Jetronic fuel injection system in Model Year (MY) 1968, the Motronic ME7 torque-based system in MY 1999, and the current Motronic MED17.5 dual gasoline/diesel system, Volkswagen engine management systems continue to evolve to meet the demands of changing emissions and fuel economy standards.
Volkswagen is continually upgrading engine control systems to meet the increasing demands for increased performance and greater fuel economy, all the while decreasing tailpipe emissions.
California emission standards have been traditionally more stringent than the EPA requirements, but their evolution and structure is similar to that of the federal legislation. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) first adopted Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) standards in 1990. These first LEV standards were in effect from 1994 through 2003.
LEV II regulations, adopted in November 1998, are in effect from 2004 through 2010. LEV II affects passenger cars, light-duty trucks (such as the Touareg 2), and medium-duty vehicles.
A number of other states have adopted emission standards equivalent to the California LEV II legislation, including New York, Massachusetts, Maine, and Vermont. Adoption of California standards has been considered also by Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington.
Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Standards
These California emission standards, which applied through model year 2003, were expressed using the following emission categories:
- Tier 1
- Transitional Low Emission Vehicles (TLEV)
- Low Emission Vehicles (LEV)
- Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV)
- Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (SULEV)
- Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV)
Car manufacturers were required to produce a percentage of vehicles certified to increasingly more stringent emission categories, according to schedules based on vehicle fleet emission averages for each manufacturer. After 2003, Tier 1 and TLEV standards were eliminated as available emission categories.
The same standards for gaseous pollutants applied to diesel- and gasoline-fueled vehicles. Particulate Matter (PM) standards applied to diesel vehicles only. Emissions were measured over the FTP 75 test and are expressed in g/ mile. The additional Supplemental Federal Test Procedures (SFTP) were phased-in in California between 2001 and 2005.
- Introduction
- Motronic ME 7
- Motronic ME 7.1.1
- Motronic MED 9.1
- Motronic MED 9.1.1
- Motronic MED 17.5
- Reference Materials
- Glossary
- Knowledge Assessment
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 66