Self Study Program 824803 – The Volkswagen 2.0L Chain-Driven TSI Engine
VAG SSP 824803 – The Volkswagen 2.0L Chain-Driven TSI Engine PDF. Four Cylinder, Four Valve, TSI Turbocharged
Gasoline Engine
Engine Block
- Cast iron crankcase
- Balancer shafts in crankcase
- Forged steel crankshaft
- Sump-mounted oil pump — chain-driven by crankshaft
- Timing gear chain — front end of engine
- Balancer — chain-driven at front end of engine
Cylinder Head
- 4-valve cylinder head
- 1 INA intake camshaft adjuster Intake Manifold
- Tumble flap Fuel Supply
- Demand controlled on low and high-pressure ends
- Multi-port high-pressure injector
Engine Management
- MED 17.5 engine control module
- Hot-fi lm air mass fl ow with integral temperature sensor
- Throttle valve with contactless sensor
- Map-controlled ignition with cylinder-selective, digital knock control
- Single-spark ignition coils
- Integral exhaust turbocharger
- Charge-air cooler
- Boost pressure control with overpressure
- Electrical wastegate valve
- Single-chamber exhaust system with closecoupled pre-catalyst
Combustion Process
- Fuel straight injection
- Introduction
- Engine Mechanicals
- Lubrication System
- Crankcase Ventilation System
- Cooling System
- Air Intake System
- Fuel System
- Exhaust System
- Engine Management System
- Service
- Knowledge Assessment
This Self-Study Program covers information on the Volkswagen 2.0 Liter Chain-Driven TSI Engine.
This Self-Study Program is not a Repair Manual.
This information will not be updated.
For testing, adjustment and repair procedures, always refer to the latest electronic service information.
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 56
Self Study Program 824803 – The Volkswagen 2.0 Liter Chain-Driven TSI Engine PDF free online