Self Study Program 376 – Audi 5.2L V10 FSI engine
VAG SSP 376. For the first time in its history, Audi presents a high-performance ten-cylinder engine – the V10 FSI engine. Fitted in the Audi S6 and S8 models, it underscores the specific attributes of pronounced sportiness and supreme comfort. This combination of ten cylinders and FSI technology gives Audi a unique technological position on the market.
The V10 belongs to the next generation of Audi V-engines, all of which have a 90-degree included angle and a spacing of 90 millimetres between cylinder centres. Compared to the engine in the Lamborghini Gallardo, which has a spacing of 88 millimetres between cylinder centres, the Audi engine has several new features in key areas.
- 5.2 litre V10 FSI engine
- Performance features
- Basic engine
- Crankshaft assembly
- Visco vibration damper
- Chain drive
- Cylinder head
- Crankcase ventilation
- Oil circuit
- Water circulation system
- Air intake in the Audi S8
- Fuel system in the Audi S8
- Exhaust system
- System overview (Bosch MED 9.1) in the Audi S8
- CAN data bus interfaces
- Operating modes
The self-study programme teaches the design and function of new vehicle models, new automotive components or new technologies.
The Self-Study Programme is not a Repair Manual!
The values given are intended as a guideline only and refer to the software version valid at the time of publication of the SSP.
For maintenance and repair work, always refer to the current technical literature.
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 32
Self Study Program 376 – 5.2 litre V10 FSI engine PDF free online