Renault Trucks Engine DC11 (for Kerax and Premium) Diagnostics Fault Codes

These fault codes lists and DTCs are applicable for the engine DCi 11 of Renault Kerax and Premium

Diagnostics using blink codes (dCi 11 B43)

The blink code procedure allows only present faults to be visualized. (The RENAULT TRUCKS diagnostics tool serves to visualize present faults and memorized faults).

Activation of the procedure

On the cruise control stalk switch:

  • Move ring (1) to “OFF”.
  • Turn ring (2) to bring “R+” or “S-” opposite the mark and hold it there, until the light goes out.
on the cruise control stalk switch
on the cruise control stalk switch

The test lights (3 – 4) signal present faults by means of an easy-to-decipher code.

on the cruise control stalk switch 2
on the cruise control stalk switch 2

The fault code number is defined by two series of short flashes separated by the light going out for 5 seconds.

By counting the flashes in each series, two numbers can be formed:

The two numbers correspond to a fault code number. Each fault has a precise meaning.
After displaying the fault code number, the test lights go out and come on again as long as the fault persists.
Other faults may exist. Turn the ring (2) again to bring “R+”
or “S–” opposite the mark for each other present fault.

Interpretation of fault code numbers

After activating the procedure:

  • The test light emits a series of flashes.
  • The test light stays off for 5 seconds.
  • The test light emits a new series of flashes.
  • The test light stays off for 5 seconds.
  • The display cycle is repeated continuously
interpretation of fault code numbers
interpretation of fault code numbers

By counting the flashes in each set, a two-figure combination is obtained:

  • The first series of flashes represents tens.
  • The second series of flashes represents units.

Erasure of fault code numbers

Only the RENAULT TRUCKS diagnostic tool DIAGNOSTICA allows memorized faults to be erased.

List of blink fault code numbers

Fault code Nature of the incident
1 – 1 Engine oil pressure sensor
1 – 3 Boost air pressure sensor
1 – 5 Engine cooling circuit temperature sensor
1 – 6 Boost air temperature sensor
1 – 7 Engine oil temperature sensor
1 – 9 Engine oil level sensor
2 – 1 Declutching fan speed sensor
2 – 2 Flywheel speed sensor
2 – 3 High pressure pump rotating speed sensor
2 – 4 Fuel high pressure sensor
2 – 5 Sensors “+” 5 Volts current supply fault
2 – 8 Engine stop control (cab tilted)
3 – 2 Exhaust brake electrovalve
3 – 3 Jake brake solenoid valve N° 1
3 – 4 Jake brake solenoid valve N° 2
3 – 7 Declutching fan speed regulation solenoid valve
4 – 1 N° 1 cylinder fuel injector
4 – 2 N° 2 cylinder fuel injector
4 – 3 N° 3 cylinder fuel injector
4 – 4 N° 4 cylinder fuel injector
4 – 5 N° 5 cylinder fuel injector
4 – 6 N° 6 cylinder fuel injector
5 – 1 Fuel flow regulation solenoid valve N° 1
5 – 2 Fuel flow regulation solenoid valve N° 2
5 – 3 Injection pressure outside operating band
Fault code Nature of the incident
5 – 5 Battery charge voltage incorrect
5 – 6 Communication line between engine and vehicle ECUs (CAN bus)
5 – 8 Engine ECU fault
5 – 9 Engine ECU power supply relay (R40)
6 – 1 Accelerator pedal position sensor
6 – 5 Cruise-control switch
9 – 6* Absence of communication between vehicle and retarder ECUs

The cruise-control switch also serves to emit code (9 – 6) which does not concern the fuel-injection system. Use the RENAULT TRUCKS diagnostics tool DIAGNOSTICA.

Diagnostics using instrument panel display (dCi 11 +J01)

Button (D)

button d 665x601

Push towards (+) or (-)

  • to gain access to the different menus and sub-menus
  • to make an adjustment or choice in the opened menu

push towards 665x601

Short pulses (V):

  • open a selected menu.
  • validate an adjustment or a choice in the menu selected
  • scroll through present or memorized faults in succession

Button (AE)

button ae
button ae

Short pulses:

  • serve to go back to the default display.
  • close an opened menu without validating the adjustment or choice
  • display the driver’s various supplementary driving menus

Meaning of fault codes

meaning of fault codes
meaning of fault codes
  • A: Fault code.
  • B: Fault type
sub menus
sub menus

Select the diagnostics menu (2)

When the menu is open, the STOP warning light comes on.


  • 2-1: Present faults
  • 2-2: Memorized faults
  • 2-4: Quit

In all cases, pictogram (1) indicates the function concerned. To obtain the desired function, use control (D) whenever necessary.

For “present faults” and “memorized faults” sub-menus, code number (2) characterizes the fault, or 4 dots (3) mean there are no faults.

List of fault code numbers

Fault code Nature of incident
513 Parameter definition
529 Engine oil pressure sensor
530 Fuel filters clogging sensor
531 Boost air pressure sensor
533 Engine cooling circuit temperature sensor
534 Boost air temperature sensor
537 Engine oil level sensor
545 Declutching fan speed sensor
546 Flywheel speed sensor
547 High pressure pump rotating speed sensor
551 Clogged fuel filters
552 Engine stop control (cab tilted)
562 Exhaust brake electrovalve
563 Jake brake solenoid valve N° 1
564 Jake brake solenoid valve N° 2
565 Starter
567 Declutching fan speed regulation solenoid valve
568 Starting devices
577 N°1 cylinder fuel injector
578 N°2 cylinder fuel injector
579 N°3 cylinder fuel injector
580 N°4 cylinder fuel injector
581 N°5 cylinder fuel injector
582 N°6 cylinder fuel injector
597 Battery charge voltage incorrect
600 Engine ECU fault
Fault code Nature of incident
613 Cruise-control switch
804 Fuel high pressure sensor
805 Sensors “+” 5 Volts current supply fault
818 Exhaust brake electrovalve
819 Jake brake solenoid valve N° 1
820 Jake brake solenoid valve N° 2
821 Starter
824 Starting devices
833 N°1 cylinder fuel injector
834 N°2 cylinder fuel injector
835 N°3 cylinder fuel injector
836 N°4 cylinder fuel injector
837 N°5 cylinder fuel injector
838 N°6 cylinder fuel injector
849 Fuel flow regulation solenoid valve N°1
850 Fuel flow regulation solenoid valve N°2
851 Injection pressure outside normal operating band
853 Battery charge voltage incorrect
854 Communication line between engine and vehicle ECUs (CAN bus)
856 Engine ECU fault
865 Accelerator pedal

Diagnostics using instrument panel display (dCi 11 +J01) – Variant 14102

Button (D)

Push towards (+) or (-)

  • to gain access to the different menus and sub-menus
  • to make an adjustment or choice in the opened menu Short pulses (V):
  • open a selected menu.
  • validate an adjustment or a choice in the menu selected
  • scroll through present or memorized faults in succession

Button (AE)

Short pulses:

  • serve to go back to the default display.
  • close an opened menu without validating the adjustment or choice
  • display the driver’s various supplementary driving menus

Meaning of fault codes

meaning of fault codes variant 14102
meaning of fault codes variant 14102
  • A: fault number.
  • B: fault type.
  • C: number of appearances of fault.

Fault type (FMI).

  • 00: Data valid but above the normal operating band
  • 01: Data valid but below the normal operating band
  • 02: Data irregular, intermittent or incorrect
  • 03: Voltage higher than rated voltage or short-circuit to +
  • 04: Voltage higher than rated voltage or short-circuit to –
  • 05: Amperage lower than normal or open-circuit
  • 06: Amperage higher than normal or circuit to earth
  • 07: Response from mechanical system incorrect
  • 08: Frequency, pulse width or period abnormal
  • 09: Refreshing speed abnormal
  • 10: Variation rhythm abnormal
  • 11: Failure mode non-identifiable
  • 12: Smart peripheral or component defective
  • 13: Outside calibration limits
  • 14: Special instructions
  • 15: Data valid but above the normal operating band (very low level of gravity)
  • 16: Data valid but above the normal operating band (low level of gravity)
  • 17: Data valid but below the normal operating band (very low level of gravity)
  • 18: Data valid but below the normal operating band (low level of gravity)
  • 19: Network data received illogical
  • 31: Not available

Select the diagnostics menu (2)

When the menu is open, the STOP warning light comes on.

sub menus


  • 2-1: Present faults
  • 2-2: Memorized faults
  • 2-4: Quit

In all cases, pictogram (1) indicates the function concerned. To obtain the desired function, use control (D) whenever necessary.

For “present faults” and “memorized faults” sub-menus, code number (2) characterizes the fault, or 4 dots (3) mean there are no faults.

List of fault code numbers

Fault code Nature of incident
16 Fuel filters clogging sensor
91 Accelerator pedal
94 Fuel high pressure sensor
95 Clogged fuel filters
98 Engine oil level sensor
100 Engine oil pressure sensor
102 Boost air pressure sensor
105 Boost air temperature sensor
110 Engine cooling circuit temperature sensor
164 Injection pressure outside normal operating band
168 Battery charge voltage incorrect
190 Flywheel speed sensor
558 Accelerator pedal
597 Cruise-control switch
598 Cruise-control switch
601 Cruise-control switch
604 Cruise-control switch
611 Engine ECU fault
628 Parameter definition
629 Engine ECU fault
630 Parameter definition
631 Engine ECU fault
636 High pressure pump speed sensor
647 Declutching fan speed regulation solenoid valve
651 N° 1 cylinder fuel injector 1
652 N° 1 cylinder fuel injector 2
Fault code Nature of incident
653 N° 1 cylinder fuel injector 3
654 N° 1 cylinder fuel injector 4
655 N° 1 cylinder fuel injector 5
656 N° 1 cylinder fuel injector 6
676 Starting devices
677 Starter
970 Engine ECU fault
1072 Jake brake solenoid valve N°1
1073 Jake brake solenoid valve N°2
1074 Exhaust brake electrovalve
1079 Sensors “+” 5 Volts current supply fault
1231 Communication line between engine and vehicle ECUs (CAN bus)
1267 Engine stop control (cab tilted)
1347 Fuel flow regulation solenoid valve N°1
1348 Fuel flow regulation solenoid valve N°2
1479 Engine ECU fault
1639 Declutching fan speed sensor