Nissan Patrol 1988 – 1997 Workshop Repair Manual
The purpose of this manual is to help you get the best value from your vehicle. It can do so in several ways. It can help you decide what work must be done, even if you choose to have it done by a dealer service department or a repair shop; it provides information and procedures for routine maintenance and. servicing; and it offers diagnostic and repair procedures to follow when trouble occurs. We hope you use the manual to tackle the work yourself. For many simpler jobs, doing it yourself may be quicker than arranging an appointment to get the vehicle into a shop and making the trips to leave it and pick it up. More importantly, a lot of money can be saved by avoiding the expense the shop must pass on to you to cover its labor and overhead costs. An added benefit is the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that you feel after doing the job yourself.
The manual is divided into Chapters. Each Chapter is divided into numbered Sections, which are headed in bold type between horizontal lines. Each Section consists of consecutively numbered paragraphs.
At the beginning of each numbered Section you will be referred to any illustrations which apply to the procedures in that Section. The reference numbers used in illustration captions pinpoint the pertinent Section and the Step within that Section. That is, illustration 3.2 means the illustration refers to Section 3 and Step (or paragraph) 2 within that Section.
Procedures, once described in the text, are not normally repeated. When it’s necessary to refer to another Chapter, the reference will be given as Chapter and Section number. Cross references given without use of the word “Chapter” apply to Sections and/or paragraphs in the same Chapter. For example, “see Section 8” means in the same Chapter.
References to the left or right side of the vehicle assume you are sitting in the driver’s seat, facing forward.
Even though we have prepared this manual with extreme care, neither the publisher nor the author can accept responsibility for any errors in, or omissions from, the information given.
- Introductory pages
- Tune-up and routine maintenance
- 4.2 litre petrol engine
- 3.0 litre petrol engine
- 4.2 litre diesel engine
- General engine overhaul procedures
- Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems
- Fuel and exhaust systems – carburetted engines
- Fuel and exhaust systems – fuel injected petrol engines
- Fuel and exhaust systems – diesel engines
- Engine electrical systems
- Emissions control systems
- Manual transmission
- Automatic transmission
- Transfer case
- Clutch and driveline
- Brakes
- Suspension and steering systems
- Body
- Chassis electrical system and wiring diagrams
- Index
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 302
Nissan Patrol 1988 – 1997 Workshop Repair Manual