MERCEDES BENZ Actros, Atego, Axor GS Fault Codes DTC
Mercedes Truck Fault Codes GS Unit
0160 CAN bus vehicle has a fault
0161 CAN connection has a malfunction open communication on the CAN bus vehicle
0162 Malfunction of communication with the control unit FR (FMR)
0163 Faulty communication with PSM control unit
0164 Faulty communication with the control unit WSK
0165 Fault RS communication with the control unit (RET)
0166 Faulty communication with the ABS control unit or BS (EPB)
0167 Faulty communication with the control unit INS
0168 Faulty communication with KS control unit (MKR)
0169 Faulty communication with the AG control unit (AGE)
0170 Fault MR communication with the control unit (PLD)
0171 WS Faulty communication with the control unit a fault of communication with the control unit WS (FSS)
1010 Internal error in the control unit
1011 Unreliable data harmonization
1012 GS (EPS) control unit is not correctly parameterized
1080 TEST-TEST-OR Electronics Software
TEST-1081 Computer software
1082 module verification stand zaaktivirovan
1101 Overvoltage at terminal 30
1102 Undervoltage at terminal 30
1201 mass cable for the control unit is open
1301 Overvoltage at terminal 15
1302 Undervoltage at terminal 15
1503 Supply voltage for the joystick is broken
1504 Supply voltage for the joystick has a short to ground
Supply voltage for the joystick and rotary encoder B57 / B99 is a short to ground
Supply voltage for the joystick and rotary encoder B57 has a short to ground
1505 Supply voltage for joystick has short to positive
Supply voltage for the joystick and rotary encoder B57 / B99 has short to positive
Supply voltage for the joystick and rotary encoder B57 has short to positive
2030 Faulty communication with a joystick
2031 cable mass for the joystick is broken
2032 Cable for emergency operation switch is open
2033 Cable for emergency operation switch has a short circuit to ground
weight to the joystick cable is shorted to ground
2034 Cable for emergency operation switch has a short circuit to positive
weight to the joystick cable is short to positive
Error 2035 lifting the ban on the inclusion of an emergency electronics
2036 Switch emergency operation has failed
2037 The final stage includes a feedback fault
GS 3020 block valves (EPS), MS1 solenoid valve is open
GS 3021 block valves (EPS), MS2 solenoid valve is open
3022 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MS1 has a short to ground
3023 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MS2 has a short to ground
3024 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MS1 has short to positive
3025 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MS2 has short to positive
GS 3120 block valves (EPS), MUB solenoid valve is open
GS 3121 block valves (EPS), the solenoid valve is open MGB
3122 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MUB is a short to ground
3123 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MGB has a short to ground
3124 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MUB has short to positive
3125 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MGB has short to positive
GS 3220 block valves (EPS), the solenoid valve is open MUE
GS 3221 block valves (EPS), the solenoid valve is open MGE
3222 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MUE has a short to ground
3223 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MGE has a short to ground
3224 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MUE has short to positive
3225 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MGE has short to positive
GS 3320 block valves (EPS), MG1 solenoid valve is open
GS 3321 block valves (EPS), MG2 solenoid valve is open
3322 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MG1 has a short to ground
3323 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MG2 has a short to ground
3324 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MG1 has short to positive
3325 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MG2 is short to positive
GS 3420 block valves (EPS), MR1 solenoid valve is open
GS 3421 block valves (EPS), MR2 solenoid valve is open
3422 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MR1 is a short to ground
3423 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MR2 has a short to ground
3424 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MR1 has short to positive
3425 Valve GS (EPS), the solenoid valve MR2 has short to positive
3803 total cable weight of the magnetic valve is open
3804 total cable weight of the magnetic valve has a short to ground
3805 total cable weight of the magnetic valve has a short circuit to positive
4040 divider probe is broken
4041 divider sensor has a short circuit to ground
4042 divider sensor has short to positive
4043 divider functioning Faulty sensor components
4044 Component divider sensor outside the permissible parameters of the border
4140 Sensor switching gear is broken
4141 Sensor switching gear has a short to ground
4142 Sensor switching gear has short to positive
4143 Malfunctioning gear incorporating sensor components
4144 switching gear sensor component is permissible parameters of the border
4240 Sensor switching tracks is broken
4241 Sensor switching tracks is short to ground
4242 Sensor switching tracks has short to positive
4243 Faulty operation runs incorporating sensor components
4244 incorporating the sensor component runs outside the permissible parameters of the border
4340 sensor has a switching range of cliff
4341 Sensor switching range has a short to ground
4342 Sensor switching range has short to positive
4343 Faulty operation range incorporating sensor components
4344 incorporating the sensor component is permissible parameter range border
4440 displacement transducer coupling is broken
4441 Sensor movement clutch has a short to ground
4442 displacement transducer coupling has short to positive
4443 Faulty operation clutch travel sensor components
4444 Component clutch travel sensor outside the permissible parameters of the border
5040 signal from the angle sensor B57 missing
Error 5043 B57 component operation
Error angle sensor operation
5140 B3 speed sensor for the intermediate shaft has broken
The signal from the rotation sensor B3 is absent
5141 B3 speed sensor for the intermediate shaft is a short to ground
5142 B3 speed sensor for the intermediate shaft has a short circuit to positive
B3 speed sensor for the intermediate shaft has an open or short to positive
5143 operation failed speed sensor component for the intermediate shaft
5240 C3 signal / pulse velocity V no
5243 C3 signal / pulse velocity V has a fault
5340 signal from the angle sensor B99 missing
Error 5343 B99 component operation
8091 No speed
8092 Transfer Case parameterized incorrectly or the parameterization process is not carried out
8093 Wrong type gearbox
8094 Estimated direction of movement is not significantly
8095 Position of clutch: a minimum agreed parameter is not reached
8096 Position of coupling: maximum parameter is exceeded the agreed
Mercedes Truck INS Fault Codes DTC
0101 Sensor supply “filling pressure in the circuit 1 ‘has a short to ground
0102 Sensor supply “filling pressure in the circuit 1 ‘has a short circuit to positive
0104 Sensor input signal “pressure filling circuit 1 ‘does not reach the measuring area
0105 Sensor input signal “pressure filling in the loop 1” is greater than the measurement area
0201 Power Sensor “Filling pressure in circuit 2” is a short to ground
0202 Power Sensor “Filling pressure in circuit 2” has short to positive
0204 Sensor input signal “Filling pressure in circuit 2” does not reach the measuring area
0205 Sensor input signal “pressure filling of circuit 2” is greater than the measurement area
0301 cab locking system has a short circuit to ground
0308 cab locking system is an open or short to positive
0508 Fuel level sensor in the fuel tank is open or short circuit to positive
0607 Input Terminal W is shorted to ground or open
By 0901 cable has a short circuit to ground
By 0902 cable is open or short circuit to positive
1020 CAN vehicle bus fault
1101 Digital input H1.18 / 12 invalid
Digital input status H1.18 / 1 “Front interaxle lock” unreliable
1102 Digital input H1.18 / 11 invalid
Digital input status H1.18 / 2 “differential lock 1.Peredney axis” unreliable
1103 Digital input H1.18 / 10 invalid
Digital input status H1.18 / 3 “reserve funds washer” unreliable
1104 Digital input H3.18 / 11 invalid
Digital input status H1.18 / 4 “axle differential lock 1.Zadney” unreliable
1105 Status of digital input H1.18 / 5 “differential lock 2.Peredney axis” unreliable
1106 Status of digital input H1.18 / 6 “Locking the driver’s cab on the left” unreliable
1107 Status of digital input H1.18 / 7 «Differential lock 2.Zadney axis” unreliable
1108 Status of digital input H1.18 / 8 “rear interaxle lock” unreliable
1109 Digital input H1.18 / 9 invalid
Digital input status H1.18 / 9 “Locking the driver’s cab on the right” unreliable
1110 Digital input H1.18 / 10 invalid
1111 Status of digital input H1.18 / 11 “PTO” unreliable
1112 Digital input H1.18 / 12 invalid
1113 Status of digital input H1.18 / 13 “Control lamps” unreliable
1114 Status of digital input H1.18 / 14 “oil level in the steering mechanism” unreliable
1115 Status of digital input H1.18 / 15 “trailer ABS fault” unreliable
1116 Status of digital input H2.18 / 9 “Contact us at the door” unreliable
1117 Status of digital input H3.18 / 11 “Steering with hydrostrengthening” unreliable
1118 Status of digital input H3.18 / 12 “The pressure in the circuit filling 4” unreliable
1119 Status inlet H3.18 / 13 “Terminal 58” unreliable
1120 Status of digital input H3.18 / 14 “Reserve” unreliable
1121 Status of digital input H3.18 / 16 “The pressure in the filling circuit 3” unreliable
1122 Status button “Back Zurück» unreliable
1123 The state of “Down Auf» button unreliable
1124 Status button “Up Ab» unreliable
1125 Status button “Selection Auswahl» unreliable
1126 Status button “Reset Reset» unreliable
1127 Status button “Plus Plus» unreliable
1128 Status button “Minus Minus» unreliable
1129 Condition “Set Set» button unreliable
1130 Status “Select Select» button unreliable
1131 Status of digital input H2.18 / 5 “Terminal 15” unreliable
1220 Failure of the connections between the module and the K-module n-
1321 Error in parameterization of K-module
1332 K-module is faulty
1333 K-module is faulty
1421 parameterization error in the control unit
Parameterization error in the n-module
1432 Internal error in the control unit
n-module is faulty
1520 CAN bus to the tachograph is faulty
V-signal from the control unit FR offline
1903 Terminal 15 is open
1941 Overvoltage
Over voltage at terminal 15
1942 Undervoltage at terminal 15
2001 Communication on the exchange of data with the address control unit 1 is broken
2002 Communication on the exchange of data with the control unit FR broken
2003 Communication on the exchange of data with the at 3 control unit is broken
2004 Communication on the exchange of data with the address control unit 4 is broken
2005 Communication on the exchange of data with the SPA control unit is broken
2006 Communication on the exchange of data with the PFA unit is broken
2007 Communication on the exchange of data with the FLA control unit is broken
2008 Communication on the exchange of data with KS control unit is broken
2009 Communication on the exchange of data with the GS control unit is broken
2010 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 10, the control unit is broken
2011 Communication on the exchange of data with the SIR control unit is broken
2012 Communication on the exchange of data with SIL control unit is broken
2013 Communication on the exchange of data with the control unit WSK broken
2014 Communication on the exchange of data with the ABS control unit is broken
2015 Communication on the exchange of data with the RS control unit is broken
2016 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 16, the control unit is broken
2017 Communication on the exchange of data with the control unit NR broken
2018 Communication on the exchange of data with the FFB control unit is broken
2019 Communication on the exchange of data with a ZV or KSA control unit is broken
2020 Communication on the exchange of data with the EKL control unit is broken
2021 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 21, the control unit is broken
2022 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 22, the control unit is broken
2023 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 23, the control unit is broken
2024 Communication on the exchange of data with the WS control unit is broken
2025 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 25, the control unit is broken
2026 Communication on the exchange of data with the KOM control unit is broken
2027 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 27, the control unit is broken
2028 Communication on the exchange of data with the control unit is broken HZR
2029 Communication on the ZHE data exchange with the control unit is broken
2030 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 30, the control unit is broken
2031 Communication on the exchange of data with the HPS control unit is broken
2032 Communication on the exchange of data with the address control unit 32 is broken
2033 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 33 control unit is broken
2034 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 34 of the control unit is broken
2035 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 35 control unit is broken
2036 Communication on the exchange of data with the BS control unit is broken
2037 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 37 control unit is broken
2038 Communication on the exchange of data with the control unit AGE broken
2039 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 39 of the control unit is broken
2040 Communication on the exchange of data with the MR control unit is broken
2041 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 41 of the control unit is broken
2042 Communication on the exchange of data with the SRS control unit is broken
2043 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 43 control unit is broken
2044 Communication on the exchange of data with the EDW control unit is broken
2045 Communication on the exchange of data with the address control unit 45 is broken
2046 Communication on the exchange of data with PSM control unit is broken
2047 Communication on the exchange of data with the control unit SRB broken
2048 Communication on the exchange of data with the address 48 control unit is broken
2049 Communication on the exchange of data with the control unit is broken ART
Communication on the exchange of data with the address 49 control unit is broken
2050-2099 Communication on the exchange of data with the addresses by the control unit from 50 to 99 broken
2100 Communication on the exchange of data with the control unit AGE broken
2101-2104 Communication on the exchange of data with the addresses of the control unit 101 to 104 is broken
2105 Communication on the exchange of data with the ANH control unit is broken
2106-2109 Communication on the exchange of data with the addresses of the control unit 106 to 109 is broken
2110 Communication on the exchange of data with the AUF control unit is broken
2111-2199 Communication on the exchange of data with the addresses of the control unit 111 to 199 is broken
2515 Nor any text data is not put in the toolbar
3001 control unit at 1 defective
3002 FR control unit defective
3003 control unit at 3 defective
3004 control unit at 4 defective
SPA 3005 control unit defective
The control unit 5 at defective
3006 PFA control unit defective
3007 Block FLA control defective
3008 GS Control unit defective
KS control unit defective
3009 GS Control unit defective
3010 control unit at 10 defective
3011 SIR control unit defective
SIL 3012 control unit defective
3013 Block WSK control defective
3014 ABS control unit defective
3015 RS control unit defective
3016 to the address control unit 16 is not working properly
3017 NR control unit defective
3018 block FFB control defective
3018 block ZV control or defective KSA
3020 Block EKL control defective
3021-3023 at the address control unit from 21 to 23 is not working properly
3024 WS control unit defective
3025 control unit at 25 defective
3026 Block KOM control defective
3027 to the address control unit 27 is not working properly
3028 Block HZR control defective
3029 Block ZHE control defective
3030 control unit at 30 defective
3031 Block HPS control defective
3032-3035 at the address control unit from 32 to 35 is not working properly
BS 3036 control unit defective
3037 control unit at 37 defective
3038 block AGE control defective
3039 to the address control unit 39 is not working properly
3040 MR control unit defective
3041 to the address control unit 41 is not working properly
3042 SRS control unit defective
3043 to the address control unit 43 is not working properly
EDW 3044 control unit defective
3045 control unit at 45 defective
3046 PSM control unit defective
3047 Block SRB control defective
3048 at 48 control unit defective
3049 ART control unit defective
The control unit at 49 defective
3050-3099 at the address control unit from 50 to 99 is not working properly
3100 EAB control unit defective