MERCEDES BENZ Actros, Atego, Axor FR Fault Codes DTC

0110 – CAN message from control unit ABS anti-lock system is missing or incorrect.

0111 – GS control unit measured value is invalid.

0112 – CAN message from the control unit is missing or incorrect.

0113 – CAN message from control unit RS governance of the retarder is missing or incorrect.

0114 – CAN message from control unit INS dash is missing or incorrect.

0115 – CAN message from control unit PSM parameterized spetsmodulya is missing or incorrect.

0117 – Measured WSK torque converter clutch clutch control unit value is invalid.

0119 – measured by the control unit KWS value is invalid.

0180 – ART control unit measured value is invalid.

0201 – Engine CAN to MR control unit in single-wire mode

0202 – CAN message from the MR control unit is missing or incorrect.

0203 – Engine CAN to MR control unit: a circuit break

0306 – CAN to FLA engine system: a circuit break

0416 – Bus High-Speed-CAN is out of order for more than 100 m / sec.

0418 – Bus High-Speed-CAN has failed.

0501 – CAN bus manual in one-wire mode

0508 – CAN bus manual does not give details.

0584 – Limit ‘KR’ function

0681 – automatic gear selection system is out of order

0682 – automatic selection of the transmission system in the emergency mode

0783 – Failed to query data

1120 – Jack ‘D +’ has short to positive.

1125 – Jack ‘D +’ to contact X4 18/13 is invalid or has a circuit break or short circuit to ground.

1223 – Switch clutch pedal 1 to 18/1 contact X1 is a circuit break or improperly collimated.

1421 – Brake Light Switch is a circuit break or improperly collimated.

1423 – Brake light switch on the contact H118 / 11 has a circuit.

1523 – faulty cruise control switch-temposet.

1524 – faulty cruise control switch-temposet.

1526 – Sign ‘Quit’ cruise control switch is open.

1623 – Clutch pedal 1 and 2: incorrect adjustment or stuck sensor

1723 – The switch to the neutral position contact H418 / 16 is defective or stuck.

1923 – Switch divider on the contacts X2 X2 18/11 and 18/12 is a circuit break or wrong.

2023 – Faulty switch the engine brake lever engagement ‘Engine Management / tormozom- moderated’

2120 – Output X1 is 18/13 circuit to positive.

2122 – Output X1 18/13 has a short to ground.

2520 – Control unit has a 1/4 circuit to positive.

2522 – Control unit 1/4 is a short to ground.

2620 – Control unit has a 2/3 circuit to positive.

2622 – Control unit 2/3 is a short to ground.

2720 – oil level sensor in the automatic refueling of motor oil M2 has a circuit to positive.

2823 – Dual control keys ART

2923 – the shift lever unit is invalid

2927 – The sensor unit GS pinched.

2928 – The sensor unit GS is faulty.

2929 – Button ‘Auto / Manual’ sensor unit GS jammed.

3021 – Terminal 30 is open.

3031 – Terminal 30: overvoltage

3032 – Terminal 30: low voltage

3130 – 15/11 HZ sensor coolant level or the air filter monitoring sensor faulty HZ 15/1, 15/13 HZ Power has a circuit break or short circuit to plus or mass.

3233 – Faulty sensor monitoring of the air filter.

3236 – reached the boundary of contamination of the air filter.

3330 – Ambient temperature sensor has a circuit break / short to positive / weight

3430 – The clutch stroke is a circuit break, short to ground or short to positive.

3533 – Faulty coolant level sensor.

3634 – Reached max wear clutch facings.

3635 – moving the clutch sensor out of range

4141 – Signal “Input speed KGT unreliable.

4145 – Sensor input speed gearbox: break a circuit / short to positive / weight

4341 – Invalid speed signal (V)

4345 – The speed signal is a circuit break or short circuit to earth or positive.

4440 – The first branch of the gas pedal sensor has a circuit break or short circuit to earth or positive.

4540 – The second branch of the gas pedal sensor has a circuit break or short circuit to earth or positive.

4641 – faulty gas pedal sensor

4642 – gas pedal sensor does not reach the idle stop.

4643 – The value of the gas pedal deliverer is the programmed range

4644 – Tight stroke gas pedal sensor

5052 – Solenoid valve 1 HZ 15/4 contact is shorted to ground.

5053 – Solenoid valve 1 at the contact HZ 15/4 has circuit to positive.

5054 – Solenoid valve 1 at the contact HZ 15/4 is a circuit break.

5152 – Solenoid valve 2 HZ 15/7 contact is shorted to ground.

5153 – Solenoid valve 2 at the contact HZ 15/7 has circuit to positive.

5154 – Solenoid valve 2 at the contact HZ 15/7 is a circuit break.

5252 – The total weight of the wire solenoid valve fixed orifice and the retarder has a short to ground.

5253 – The total weight of the wire solenoid valve fixed orifice and the retarder has a circuit to positive.

5352 – Solenoid valve ‘the Split 1’ has a short to ground.

5353 – Solenoid valve ‘the Split 1’ has the circuit to positive.

5354 – Solenoid valve ‘the Split 1’ has a discontinuity circuits.

5452 – Solenoid valve ‘the Split 2’ has a short to ground.

5453 – Solenoid valve ‘the Split 2’ has the circuit to positive.

5454 – Solenoid valve ‘the Split 2’ has a discontinuity circuits.

5552 – The total weight of the wire of the solenoid valves Y29 and Y30 is a short to ground.

5553 – The total weight of the wire of the solenoid valves Y29 and Y30 have circuit to positive.

5652 – Entry of “Managing the brake light signal” is a short to ground.

5653 – Entry of “Managing stoplights signal” has short to positive.

5654 – Exit ‘activation stop signal’ has a discontinuity circuits.

5752 – Entry of “Managing Reverse lights” is a short to ground.

5753 – Entry of “Managing Reverse lights” has short to positive.

5754 – Entry of “Managing Reverse lights” is a circuit break.

5852 – Exit “Activate D +» is a short to ground.

5853 – Exit “Activate D +» has short to positive.

5854 – Exit “Activate D +» is a circuit break.

5952 – Activation of the automatic refueling of motor oil has a short to ground.

5953 – Activation of the automatic refueling of motor oil has a short circuit to positive.

5954 – Activation of the automatic refueling of motor oil is a circuit break.

6262 – Internal fault in the control unit.

6265 – Internal error management v.bloke.

6365 – Internal fault in the control unit.

7064 – Internal fault in the control unit.

7070 – Block the gas pedal is not trained

7071 – Error initializing (training) gear ratio divider

7072 – Error initializing (training) gear ratio terminals W

7073 – Error clutch travel sensor training

7074 – Error initializing (training) on the CAN bus and / m

8023 – Position switch HL5 unreliable

0110 CAN bus from the ABS control unit is missing or has a fault

0111 CAN bus from the GS control unit is missing or has a fault


Measured value of the GS of the control unit is not valid

0112 CAN bus control unit of the KS is missing or has a fault

0113 CAN bus from the RS control unit is missing or has a fault

0114 CAN bus from the INS control unit is missing or has a fault

0115 CAN bus from the PSM control unit is missing or has a fault

0116 CAN bus vehicle has a defect open / short circuit to ground / on the plus

0117 WSK CAN bus from the control unit is missing or has a fault


Measured parameter from control unit WSK is not valid

0119 Measured parameter from KWS is not a valid control unit

0180 Measured parameter from ART control unit is not valid

0201 Bus Engine CAN to MR control unit in single-wire mode

0202 CAN bus from the MR control unit is missing or has a fault

0203 Bus Engine CAN to MR control unit is open

0306 Bus Engine CAN to FLA control unit is open

0416 Bus CAN-High data for more than 100 seconds was interrupted

0418 CAN-High Data bus is out of order

0501 CAN bus transmission in single-wire mode

0508 CAN bus gearbox does not supply any data

0681 automatic gear selection system is out of order

0682 automatic selection of the transmission system is in emergency mode

0783 An error occurred while communicating

1120 Connection D + has a short circuit to positive


Terminal D + has a short circuit to positive

1125 Connecting to the D + contact X4 18/13 is invalid value or an open or short circuit to



D + connector X4 18/13 invalid value / open / short circuit to ground

1223 Switch clutch pedal 1 to 18/1 contact X1 is open or incorrectly carried out adjustment


Switch clutch pedal X1 18/1, open / incorrectly carried out adjustment

1323 Switch handbrake 15/9 X3 has a fault or short circuit

1421 The switch of stoplights is open or incorrectly carried out adjustment


The switch of stoplights, open / incorrectly carried out adjustment

1423 The switch of stoplights at the contact X1 18/11 has a short circuit


The switch of stoplights at the contact X1 18/11, fault / short-circuit

1523 Switch Cruise / temposet defective

1524 Switch Cruise / temposet defective

1526 Log “QUIT” cruise control switch open

1623 Switch clutch pedal 1 and 2: An error during adjustment or switch sinks

1723 The switch to the neutral position contact X4 18/16 has a defect or sinks


The switch to the neutral position contact X4 18/16 defect / switch sinks

1923 Switch divider on pin X2 18/11 and 18/12 X2 is broken or defective


Switch divider on pin 18/11 X2 and X2 18/12, open / defective

2023 Switch engine brake lever turn on “Engine control / engine brake” is faulty

2120 Out GSV1 has short to positive


Square-wave output GSV 1 instruction cycle management of a switch, a short circuit in the

a plus

2122 Out GSV1 has a short to ground


Square-wave output GSV 1 instruction cycle management of a switch, a short circuit in the


2220 square-wave output GSV 2 cycle-accurate control of a switch, a short circuit in the

a plus

2222 square-wave output GSV 2 cycle-accurate control of a switch, a short circuit in the


2320 square-wave output GSV 3 cycle-accurate control of a switch, a short circuit in the

a plus

2322 square-wave output GSV 3 cycle-accurate control of a switch, a short circuit in the


2420 square-wave output GSV 4 cycle-accurate control of a switch, a short circuit in the

a plus

2422 square-wave output GSV 4 cycle-accurate control of a switch, a short circuit in the


2520 Group incorporating a 1/4 has a short circuit to positive

2522 Group incorporating a 1/4 has a short circuit to ground

2620 enable the Group 2/3 has short to positive

2622 enable the Group 2/3 has a short to ground

2720 Oil level sensor in the automatic topping up engine oil M2 is short-circuited

on the plus

2721 Oil level sensor in the automatic topping up engine oil M2 is open

2823 Dual Control buttons ART

2923 signal from the joystick is invalid

3021 Terminal 30 is open

3031 Terminal 30 High Voltage

3032 Terminal 30 Undervoltage

3130 coolant level sensor X3 15/11 or sensor monitoring air filter clogging

H3.15 / 1 fails, the voltage supply to the X3 15/13 has an open or short to positive or

short circuit to ground

3233 air filter contamination sensor defective

3236 reached the boundary of contamination of the air filter

3330 Outside temperature sensor open / short to positive / short circuit to ground

3430 displacement transducer coupling is open / short circuit to positive / short circuit to ground

3533 coolant level sensor is faulty

3634 reached the maximum wear of clutch facings

3635 displacement transducer coupling is allowed by setting boundaries

4041 Terminal signal W has a fault / open / short circuit to ground / short to

a plus


Signal terminal W is invalid

4141 input speed sensor on the gearbox has a fault / error in the frequency


Input speed on the gearbox has invalid value

4145 input speed sensor on the gearbox has an open / short circuit to

plus / short to ground

4341 Invalid speed signal V

4345 speed signal is open or a short to ground or short to positive

4440 First gas pedal sensor circuit is open or short to positive or to earth

4540 A second gas pedal sensor circuit is open or short to positive or to earth

4641 sensor is faulty gas pedals

4642 gas pedal sensor does not reach the idle stop

4643 gas pedal sensor is coordinated measuring range

4644 Sensor gas pedal difficult movement

5051 Solenoid valve 1, X3 15/4 open / short to positive

5052 Solenoid valve 1, X3 15/4 open / short circuit to ground

5053 The output X3 15/4 has short to positive

5054 The output X3 is open 15/4

5151 Solenoid valve 2, X3 15/7 open / short to positive

5152 Solenoid valve 2, X3 15/7 open / short circuit to ground

5153 The output X3 15/7 has short to positive

5154 The output X3 is open 15/7

5252 Connecting MBA engine brake output valve signal, short to ground

5253 total cable weight of the magnetic valve “engine brake” is short to positive

5351 output signal X4 X4 18/7 or 18/8 is an open or short to positive

5352 Solenoid valve divider 1 has a short to ground

5353 Solenoid valve divider 1 has a short circuit to positive

5354 Solenoid valve divider 1 is open

5451 output signal X4 X4 18/7 or 18/10 is open or short circuit to positive

5452 Magnet 2 divider valve has a short to ground

5453 Solenoid valve divider 2 has a short circuit to positive

5454 Solenoid valve 2 has an open divider

5552 output signal X4 or X3 18/7 15/8 has a short to ground

5553 output signal X4 18/7 has short to positive

5651 output of the inhibition of a stoplight, the base module open / short to positive

5652 output of the inhibition of a stoplight, the base module shorted to ground

5653 Output “Management braking stop sign” is short to positive

5654 Output “Management braking stop sign” is open

5751 The output of the reverse gear in the base module, open / short to positive

The output signal 5752 reverse gear in the basic unit a short to ground

5753 Initiation of D + has a short circuit to positive


The output of “Managing Reverse light” has short to positive

5754 Output “Management reversing light” is open

5851 The output relay D + / base unit open / short to positive

5852 The output relay D + / base unit open / short circuit to ground

5853 The output of the “Management of D +» has short to positive

Office 5854 has a D + open

Office 5951 automatically topping up the engine oil is an open or short to positive

5952 Office of the automatic topping up engine oil has a short to ground

5953 Office of the automatic topping up engine oil has short to positive

5954 Office of the automatic topping up engine oil has broken

6161 control unit has an internal error

The control unit 6262 has an internal fault

7060 parameterization error or internal fault “Basic setting at idle speed

move more than limit the operating speed the vehicle is stationary ”


Parameterization error or internal error 15 “internal parameter Brake Control

Long-acting is not valid ”


Parameterization error or internal error “Internal parameter Maximum torque

inhibition of long-acting output gearbox is not valid ”


parameterization error or internal error 14 “error matching terminal W gear



Parameterization error or internal error of 1 to 11, 18 to 22, 26


Parameterization error or internal error 23 “There is no movement of the clutch”


Parameterization error or internal error Parameter 03 “prescribed by law

the speed limit does not significantly ”


Parameterization error or internal error Parameter 04 “Additional speed limit

not reliably ”


Parameterization error or internal error 12 Parameter 13 «CFFG-Max is uncertain”


Parameterization error or internal error 13 Parameter 14 «CFFG-Min unreliable”


Parameterization error or internal error Parameter 79 “Maximum braking stage

engine brake lever is not reliable ”


parameterization error or internal error “gear ratio divider is programmed with

mistake ”


parameterization error or internal error 24 “gear ratio divider is programmed

a mistake ”

Mercedes Truck PSM Fault Codes DTC

0160 Communication fault on the CAN bus vehicle

0161 Error communication with the ABS control unit or BS

0162 Error communication with the control unit FR

0163 Error communication with the control unit FR

0164 Failed to communicate with the control unit INS

0165 Error communication with the ABS control unit or BS

0167 Failed to communicate with the control unit GS

0168 Error communication with the control unit FR

0169 Failed to communicate with the control unit INS

0270 single-wire CAN bus operating mode of the body is not possible

0271 Wire CAN-H CAN bus body is damaged

0272 Wire CAN-L CAN bus body is damaged

0275 Wire CAN-H CAN bus body is damaged

0276 Wire CAN-L CAN bus body is damaged

0370 single-wire mode of operation of the trailer CAN bus is not possible

0371 Wire bus CAN-H CAN trailer damaged

0372 Wire CAN-L CAN Bus damaged trailer

0375 Wire bus CAN-H CAN trailer damaged

0376 Wire CAN-L CAN Bus damaged trailer

1010 Internal error in the control unit

1011 EEPROM-error


Internal fault in the control unit

1012 parameterization error in the control unit

1100 High voltage at terminal 30

1101 Undervoltage at terminal 30

1102 Open voltage supply terminal 30


Inadequate voltage at terminal 30

1200 High voltage at terminal 15

1201 Undervoltage at terminal 15

1202 Undervoltage at terminal 15

1210 Broken wire on terminal 15

2020 Output “engine running a generator in order” (Contact X4 18/9) has a short circuit

to ground


Digital output 1 is shorted to ground

2021 Output “engine running a generator in order” (Contact X4 18/9) has a short circuit

plus or breakage


Digital output 1 has a short circuit to positive or open circuit

2120 Output “Disabling retarder” (18/10 Contact X4) is shorted to ground


Digital output 2 has a short to ground

2121 Output “Disabling retarder” (18/10 Contact X4) has a short circuit to positive or



Digital output 2 has a short circuit to positive or open circuit

2220 Output “Management clutch lock cylinder” (18/11 Contact X4) has a short

short to ground


Digital output 3 has a short to ground

2221 Output “Management clutch lock cylinder” (18/11 Contact X4) has a short

circuit to positive or open circuit


Digital output 3 has a short circuit to positive or open circuit

2222 Unreliable excitation of the solenoid valve at the digital output 3

2320 Output “Management clutch valve” (18/12 Contact X4) has a short

short to ground


Digital output 4 has a short circuit to ground

2321 Output “Management clutch valve” (18/12 Contact X4) has a short

circuit to positive or open circuit


Digital output 4 has a short circuit to positive or open circuit

2420 Initiation of “Exit” (18/13 Contact X4) is shorted to ground


5 Digital output is shorted to ground

2421 Initiation of “Exit” (18/13 Contact X4) has a short circuit to positive or open circuit


Digital output 5 has a short circuit to positive or open circuit

2422 Unreliable excitation of the solenoid valve at the digital output 5

2520 The output of the “Contact Us PTO” (18/14 Contact X4) has a short to



Digital output 6 has a short to ground

2521 The output of the “Contact Us PTO” (18/14 Contact X4) has a short to

plus or breakage


Digital output 6 has a short circuit to positive or open circuit

2522 Unreliable excitation of the solenoid valve at the digital output 6

2620 The output of the “neutral position” (18/15 Contact X4) is shorted to ground

2621 The output of the “neutral position” (18/15 Contact X4) has a short circuit to positive or


2720 Output “PTO Management 1” (18/16 Contact X4) has a short to


2721 Output “PTO Management 1” (18/16 Contact X4) has a short to

plus or breakage

2722 Lack PTO feedback 1 (X3 Contact 15/7), despite the presence of excitation

Power take-off 1 (Contact X4 18/16)

2723 Lack of excitation power take-off 1 (Contact X4 18/16), despite the presence of feedback

Power take-off 1 (X3 Contact 15/7)

2820 Output “Excitation power take-off 2” (18/17 Contact X4) has a short to


2821 Output “Excitation power take-off 2” (18/17 Contact X4) has a short to

00 19

Review the error code – Actros – Dashboard 2000 19_9022AA 00/3

plus or breakage

2822 Lack PTO feedback 2 (X3 Contact 15/8), despite the presence of excitation

Power take-off 2 (Contact X4 18/17)

2823 The lack of power take-off 2 drive (Contact X4 18/17), despite the presence of feedback

Power take-off 2 (X3 Contact 15/8)

2920 Output “Excitation PTO 3” (18/18 Contact X4) has a short to


2921 Output “Excitation PTO 3” (18/18 Contact X4) has a short to

plus or breakage

2922 Lack of feedback PTO 3 (X3 Contact 15/9), despite the presence of excitation

PTO 3 (Contact X4 18/18)

2923 The lack of excitement PTO 3 (Contact X4 18/18), despite the presence of feedback

PTO 3 (X3 Contact 15/9)

3020 Output “engine speed signal” is a short to ground


The output of the “Reverse gear included” (Contact X4 18/9) has a short to


The output 3021 “of the engine speed signal” has a short circuit to positive


The output of the “Reverse gear included” (Contact X4 18/9) has a short circuit to positive

or open

3120 Output signal “Transmission enabled 1” (18/10 Contact X4) is shorted to ground


The output signal “velocity signal” is shorted to ground

3121 Output signal “Transmission enabled 1” (18/10 Contact X4) has a short circuit to positive or open circuit


The output signal “Speed Signal” has a short circuit to positive

3220 The output of “Kick-down” (18/11 Contact X4) is shorted to ground


The output “parameter signal a predetermined torque” is shorted to ground

3221 The output of “Kick-down” (18/11 Contact X4) has a short circuit to positive or open circuit


The output “parameter signal a predetermined torque” has a short circuit to positive

3320 Output “Retaining the parking brake” (18/12 Contact X4) has a short to


3321 Output “Retaining the parking brake” (18/12 Contact X4) has a short to

plus or breakage

3420 Output “Error ABS» (18/13 Contact X4) is shorted to ground

3421 Output “Error ABS» (18/13 Contact X4) has a short circuit to positive or open circuit

3520 Output signal “Gear 2 included” (18/14 Contact X4) is shorted to ground

3521 Output signal “Gear 2 included” (18/14 Contact X4) has a short circuit to positive or


4020 Output signal Contact X4 18/9 is a short to ground

4021 Output signal Contact X4 18/9 has short to positive or open circuit

4040 manual wire gas sensor is broken

4041 manual wire gas sensor signal is shorted to ground

4042 manual wire gas sensor has short to positive

4043 Short circuit between the signal wire and the wire feed plus a manual gas sensor

4120 Output signal Contact X4 18/10 has a short to ground

4121 Output signal Contact X4 18/10 has short to positive or open circuit

4141 Digital Input 1 has a short to ground

4142 Digital Input 1 has short to positive

4220 Output signal Contact X4 18/11 has a short to ground

4221 Output signal Contact X4 18/11 has short to positive or open circuit

4241 Digital Input 2 has a short to ground

4242 Digital Input 2 has short to positive

4320 Output signal Contact X4 18/12 has a short to ground

4321 Output signal Contact X4 18/12 has short to positive or open circuit

4341 Digital Input 3 has a short to ground

4342 Digital Input 3 has short to positive

4420 Output signal Contact X4 18/13 has a short to ground

4421 Output signal Contact X4 18/13 has short to positive or open circuit

4441 Digital Input 4 has a short circuit to ground

4442 Digital Input 4 has a short circuit to positive

4520 Output signal Contact X4 18/14 has a short to ground.