Freightliner Business Class M2 Fault Codes List – PTO and Pump Electrical Controls

PTO and Fire Pump Control J1587 Fault Codes

164 25 7 End of Frame Air (PTO and fire pump control)–unexpected air pressure feedback Solenoid is not activated, but CHM senses that the pressure switch is in an unexpected state. For example, a normally closed solenoid is off, but air pressure is detected.
Check the following:
• Air system
• Pressure feedback circuit including the ground.
• Solenoid–pressure switch may be stuck.
164 26 7 End of Frame (PTO and fire pump control)–no air pressure feedback Chassis Module engages solenoid, but the pressure switch does not change status indicating that the solenoid supplied, or exhausted, air downstream.
Check the following:
• Air system
• Pressure feedback circuit including the ground.
• Solenoid–pressure switch may be stuck.

PTO and Fire Pump Control J1939 Fault Codes

33 6954 7 End of Frame (PTO and fire pump control)–no air pressure feedback Solenoid is not activated, but CHM senses that the pressure switch is in an unexpected state. For example, a normally closed solenoid is off, but air pressure is detected.
Check the following:
• Air system
• Pressure feedback circuit including the ground.
• Solenoid–pressure switch may be stuck.
33 6955 7 End of Frame (PTO and fire pump control)–unexpected air pressure feed- back Chassis Module engages solenoid, but the pressure switch does not change status indicating that the solenoid supplied, or exhausted, air downstream.
Check the following:
•Air system
•Pressure feedback circuit including the ground.
•Solenoid–pressure switch may be stuck.