Ford AX4S AXODE Rebuild Procedures
The Ford AX4S has been with us now for well over a decade, and this unit has quickly become one of the most widely used late-model Ford full-sized vehicle transaxles. Although this transaxle is not a relatively new design, there may be parts of the rebuild process that you are not very familiar with, or you may be new to this particular type of transaxle. In either case, you need some point of reference- something that will show you how to proceed when you are not sure (or have no idea whatsoever), and that is exactly what this book is designed to do.
You will not fmd a photocopied section out of a factory manual between these covers. In fact, you will notice a substantial difference between the book you are holding and any other books written on the subject. This is because, as this book was being written, the author was rebuilding an AX4S step by step as he was writing this book. This helped assure that there would be no missing steps (and it was also real handy for taking pictures along the way…). This book was written for transmission rebuilders, by a transmission rebuilder, in plain English rather than complex ‘factoreze’ terminology.
So, whether you’ve already done a few of the AX4S units, or are about to tackle your first one. this book will show you how to get through the sticky parts of a rebuild, as well as the most thorough way to get through the job. start to finish.
- Unit Disassembly
- Input Drum
- Reverse Drum
- Gear Train
- Fiual Drive
- Pump
- Valve Body
- Case and Chain Cover
- Unit Assembly
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 145