DEUTZ Engine BF6L 513 R Workshop Manual

This Annex to the Workshop Manual informs our customers and service partners about repair and adjustment work on the BF6L 513 R engine. Any work not described in this Annex can be found in the Workshop Manual. It is presumed that this work will be carried out by qualified personnel.

This Annex has been made up in a manner which ensures quick visual comprehension of the contents. This is achieved by illustrations and graphic symbols as substitute for the respective text. This layout permits universal use, because the illustrations and symbols are also largely understood by those being unable to read and write.

Aspects of operation and maintenance are not dealt with in this Annex; they are contained in the Engine Operation Manual.

This Annex is not regularly updated. Any engineering changes having been introduced in the meantime will be considered in the next issue. Therefore, please refer to the Technical Circulars where engineering changes are announced when appropiate.


  • Specification data
  • Tests, Checks, Inspections, Settings
  • Repairing Components
  • Turbochargers
  • Special Tools

Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 258

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