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OBD Codes

Looking for free online PDF resources for ODB codes repair and vehicle manuals? Look no further than our extensive collection of comprehensive repair manuals, designed to provide you with the tools you need to quickly and easily diagnose and repair ODB codes on your vehicle. Our manuals cover a wide range of makes and models, and are packed with detailed, step-by-step instructions that will help you get the job done right the first time. So why wait? Start exploring our collection of free online PDF ODB Codes Repair and Vehicle Manuals today and take control of your vehicle’s performance!

P0A00-P0A99 OBD-II Codes

The P0A00-P0A99 OBD-II codes are a range of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are used to identify specific issues in a vehicle's hybrid powertrain system. These codes are part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system, which is a…


The P0BXX OBD-II codes are a range of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are used to identify specific issues in a vehicle's hybrid propulsion system. These codes are part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system, which is a standardized…

P0CXX-P0F00 OBD-II Codes

The P0CXX-P0F00 OBD-II codes are a range of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are used to identify specific issues in a vehicle's hybrid/electric powertrain and related systems. These codes are part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD)…

P1000-P2099 OBD-II Codes

The P1000-P2099 OBD-II codes are a range of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are used to identify specific issues in various systems and components of a vehicle. These codes are part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system, which is a…

P2100-P2199 OBD-II Codes

The P2100-P2199 OBD-II codes are a range of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are used to identify specific issues in a vehicle's throttle actuator control system. These codes are part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system, which is a…

P2200-P2299 OBD-II Codes

The P2200-P2299 OBD-II codes are a range of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are used to identify specific issues in a vehicle's NOx (nitrogen oxide) sensor system. These codes are part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system, which is…

P2300-P2399 OBD-II Codes

The P2300-P2399 OBD-II codes are a range of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are used to identify specific issues in a vehicle's ignition system. These codes are part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system, which is a standardized…

P2400-P2499 OBD-II Codes

The P2400-P2499 OBD-II codes are a range of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are used to identify specific issues in a vehicle's evaporative emission control system. These codes are part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system, which is…

P2500-P2599 OBD-II Codes

The P2500-P2599 OBD-II codes are a range of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are used to identify specific issues in a vehicle's powertrain control system. These codes are part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system, which is a…

P2600-P2699 OBD-II Codes

The P2600-P2699 OBD-II codes are a range of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) that are used to identify specific issues in a vehicle's auxiliary emissions control system. These codes are part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system, which is…