Peake R5FCX Handbook – BMW Fault Code Lists

Thank you for purchasing the R5/FCX scanner/resetter for BMWs. This product was designed to provide a long service life and ease of use at a low cost. In designing this product we went to great lengths to assure compatibility and safe operation with the majority of BMWs. As with any software-based device, there is a risk that a small number of unique DME variants may not be compatible with this device. Peake Research Corporation (also referred to as Peake Research) may not be held liable for any problems resulting from incompatibilities. Additionally, the code
definitions contained in this manual should be regarded as a starting point for diagnosing a problem – the codes your BMW generates can often be misleading, and there may be errors in our code definitions. Before spending your money on a repair, make sure you have a clear understanding of the problem by using additional sources of information, such as a good quality repair manual (see page 40), expert advice, the Internet, etc… Peake Research Corporation may not be held liable for any expenses you incur in response to the codes or instructions contained in this manual.

Categories: BMW Fault Codes